I'll show you some more of the tweeking soon..Yesterday at the bad fleamarket we actually did well.There were some good vendors but they were high.I was the only one with good stuff resonable priced the other vendors kept staring because we were selling steady and no one else was.The bad crowd got there around 9am Only 2 rude people though.This fleamarket has alot of people from the inner city that come down for something to do free.One argued with me over a antique item telling me I was wrong I already had it in my mind not to let them get me down so I told him it was whatever he wanted it to be.The other tried to tell me on a antique ship clock the other pieces were missing.I researched the piece well and hubby explained nicely we know what it is and know it's worth $395 we were selling it for $65 The man knew too was only thinking he could get us down to nothing.He did buy it.It started raining around 10 am so we packed up.Today is rainy so I'm enjoying a lazy day at home.Going to get some swap stuff finished so I can mail tomorrow,go through some stuff for Good Old Days (hubby can take care of it I'll be off treasure hunting) and finding some places for a few things...I bought a firkin at the primitive yardsale with the intention of selling it.It's old but has been painted like 6 times.Hubby is out stripping it and says it's a awesome piece I told him not to show it to me when it's done..smile..to tempting to keep.I don't need it LoL..Well hope you all haveing a lazy sunday!~Amy
What a wonderful cupboard! It looks great with all of your graniteware. Have fun tweeking, Dawn
Amy ~
I always say "need" has nothing to do with anything...lol! Keep the firkin and sell the next one :)
Love the new cupboard. I have a passion for old cupboards. I'll have to post about them one of these days.
We are getting some much needed rain today. Woo hoo!
Pug hugs :)
Your Pie cupboard is just beautiful with all your collections on it Amy.
Glad you had a good day at the flea market-there's always someone trying to haggle with you over things, glad you hung in there! Oh, you would surely regret getting rid of the yellow ware so I'd hang on to it too. I haven't ever found any around my area and if I did it would be mine!!!
I shouldn't be on here but needed a breather. Have had my grandsons since Thursday and they'll be going home tomorrow. I need to finish up our swap while Papa has them busy for a minute or two! Enjoy the rest of your "lazy" Sunday. Somehow I think you'll keep tweaking your treasures.
Beautiful cabinet Amy! I love how you've decorated it. Glad you had a better time at the market. There's nothing more annoying than hagglers who want everything of yours for pennies. That is why we don't have garage sales. My husb doesn't deal with ppl like that well.
My pumpkin fall swap is basically done, just have to buy one thing today as a little extra. I ordered some things from a lady on Etsy three weeks ago, but I still haven't gotten them to include in the box so I guess I'll save them for something else. I am bummed about that.
Blessings, Jessica
Amy, I love you pie cupboard, it's awesome with your collections. What willpower you have to get these beautiful antiques & then let them go. Have a super Sunday.
Hi Amy,
Having been in the antique business in my 'younger' days (smile) I got a chuckle when you described the guy who haggled you down! The stories I could tell too about those days including one sale where two dealers went at it in my booth over an antique toy truck I had priced way too low! I was in tears and came close to packing it in and going home! We laugh about it now..... hopefully you're making some memories as well as adding to your fabulous antique collections too! That little cupboard is wonderful! Love the granite collection and looks fabulous in the cupboard! Keep the stories coming and keep enjoying the hunt! That's the best part!
Cathy G
Great pie cupboard! Love how your grey graniteware looks on it and in it. I have some grey too. Maybe not as many pieces as you however! I think you are wise to keep the bowls. Thanks for sharing. Lori
Your new pie safe is AMAZING!!! What an unusual design with the door in the center! And how very perfect for display....Great eye Amy! And I love your granite ware collection! Just perfect for it!! Lucky you to have a hubby that tolerates and actually helps with your tweaks!! And how can you possible get rid of a firkin??? :o) Happy Sunday - enjoy! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Awesome cabinet! I love the symmetry. And the finish looks perfect with the peg shelf on that wall. Great find Amy!
Love your cabinet -- it is awesome!! You've done a great job decorating it, too....
I'm with the others -- keep the firkin!! I find it so hard to part with things.... especially a great find like that....
Enjoy your lazy day -- looking forward to seeing your tweaking!
Amy, don't ya just love "playing house" when you get a new piece you love? That cupboard is AWESOME. And I love the diplay you have on it. Keep that firkin, girl. I wish I had just one. If you find one around here they are out of my price range. Glad you had a good day at the flea market. Enjoy your day.
Love the pie cupboard and love it filled with the grey granite ware!
Very nice!
Amy, your pie safe is gorgeous and you have everything displayed beautifully. Can't wait to see what else you have done. Glad you did well at the flea market.
Hi Amy!
Wow! What a beautiful find. The pie safe is just awesome. I have been looking for one for years and still have not found one. Love the granite ware. It looks so good in the pie safe.Just finished packing up my swap to mail in the morning. Hope you have a great evening. Hugs,
Great pie cupboard Amy!! Love how you have displayed your great graniteware pieces...it always amazes me how some people are so rude!! I'd love to find nesting yellow ware..you sure have a knack for finding all these treasures...
Love the Pie cupboard Amy wow what a beautiful piece
Love your cupboard and the way you have it decorated! Thank You for stopping by today. Have a good evening...
Amy I just love everything the cupboard the crocks been wanting one for a long time and just love your granite milk pails. I'm saving for a farm table I tried finding an old one with no luck. Gosh like I said I just love everything! Have a wonderful evening my friend
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
A truly beautiful piece of furniture, I can fully understand you wanting it and you have it decorated with your collectables just perfect
Hi Amy,
Oh my gosh, I love your new cupboard and my oh my, your granite ware collection is just so awesome!! Your package is postal for the great pumpkin swap. The delivery confirmation number is 03070020000442170563
I sent you lots of fall theme goodies and lots of pumpkins. I hope you like everything.
Your cupboard is fabulous Amy and the granite pieces just pop! Thanks for sharing you new goodie with us.
Love your new pie cupboard Amy! Plus your graniteware looks so nice in there. Don't you just love flea markets. Bob does our local flea market every now and then and he always gets rude people or those who think you should give things to them for free. Guess you get those types everywhere. Take care, Janice
Your new piece gives me the warm fuzzies Amy! Love your pail collection. Good for you for not giving in at the fleamarket. A lady at a craft show told me once she "would have bought the other raggedy ornie but it was a little pricey". It was $3 and all handmade! LOL! Ya gotta laugh! Take care! ~*~Lisa
Beautiful pie safe Amy! Looks right at home with your decor. Trying to catch up on blogs. What did you do with the antique ice box? If you ever want to sell it let me know.
Have a great week!
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