As you can see another dreary,rainy day her in PA..It's rained like 2 weeks straight and we've had records broken for April..Out the front window....

This morning was quite the adventure.Got up to drizzle but by 6:30 I was sitting in the jeep trying to figure out were to go saleing I told hubby there was one listed with 1800's stuff and antique gold watches.his response was "If they listed that they know what they got and you aren't getting a deal" I said I need to go anyway or I'll feel I missed something.It was a further than we normally go and we decided to just hit what we found along the way.So off we go yes it's drizzling but I was first stop Gettysburg sale we were the early birds.We bought a antique church pew and milk can wouldn't fit so left her a deposit and said we'd be back in a few hours with the truck..Off again we kept running into back road sales got some good old junk.Then the one Oh my goodness..Bought 2 gooseneck graniteware coffee pots one was blue swirl and miniature,hubby was going to buy a old wagon but felt bad a old lady wanted it so since we have two on the sunporch going to sale he gave it to her.They had a ton of stuff but I didn't have much cash and we were in the middle of nowhere so I bought a yelloware custard cup and went on my way.But it was killing me I left behind 2 old yellow spongeware milk bowls and hubby kept thinking about the old drive in speakers...So we finally get to the antique sale we were hunting.Well 5 minutes to late the guy was haggling for the two gold watches which he got for $70 scrap value would have been at least $500 they were solid gold.Oh well and there was a lady who owns a shop who grabbed most of the antique victorian childs stuff but I did get a old framed baby portrait and a tin tea strainer..Off we go around the corner People selling everything for $1 got a few old things..I'm still fussing about not getting the milk bowls and darn I should have bought those drive in speakers they were a rare find.Bingo!! a convience store go get cash and off we go to get the bowls and drive in speakers.I never go back and hubby is saying they aren't going to have them.I'm confident they will since it's in the middle of nowhere...Yep they had them and even worked me a deal..Yeah! One bowl for me one to sell..Head towards home a differnt route so I can hit more sales another off the beaten path sale some primitve hayforks and such for market.Lady has a old berry carrier holding magazines I ask will you sell me that? Yep so off again.Meet up with a man who says he has old wood washtubs and ringers set back for me to come see as he's moving can't wait will be going this afternoon...Still with me? I'll try to get some pics but I've been soooo busy...Want to remind everyone I'm hosting a new Swap Seasons of Friendship.Go to the nest post for sign up and rules.I'll accept sign ups till monday morning..I've got some great girls joining in again..Don't miss out...
I'm doing a trade with sweetmeadows farm and she wanted grungy jar candles so these are what I made her...I normally use antique blue balls but she wanted a grungy spice look....

I hosted a farmhouse summer swap and I had Margie hungry hook primitives as a partner.She is a such a great girl..I love chatting with her and she really thought about me alot..She sent me some wonderful goodies but oh the feedsack will be perfect for a pillow on the sunporch redo..Look at the beautiful hooked mat she made me.I adore beeskeps and bumble bees.Way to pretty to sit around it's going on the wall.Thank you Margie.Ilove it all.....

And Lindeelou participated in the swap but doesn't have a blog so I offered to show off her goodies..This is what she sent..Look at the sweet ladybugs...
I know long post today.I'm getting real close to 300 followers so have been working on a giveaway.As soon as I can catch my breath I'll get it posted hopefully next week...Hope you all have a great weekend..I'm sending a little prayer up for some sunshine on
That's a lot of runnin' around . . . but sounds like soooo much fun! You always find such wonderful stuff!
Weeks of rain have put me in a bit of a mood, but hope to get down to the church flea market tomorrow. I'd settle for finding a fraction of what you ended up with. Wish me luck!
Love all the goodies you found. Those are the best kind of days,Just milling from sale to sale, not knowing what you may find. I found that if you like it, you better buy it or it may not be there when you do decide. That has happened to me a few times. Couldn't stop thinking about it later.
Glad you had a good time. Looks like everyone received good swap goodies too. I love swaps.
Have a good day
Country at heart
WoW !What a day!Sounds like you had fun!Thats the worse about things if you dont get it then you think about it and how you should have gotten it.Good thing you went back or you still be thinking about them bowls and speaker,lol.Have a wonderful weekend!big hugs michelle
I went junking today, a few goodies...but it didn't seem to be a good day for it here.....mostly baby stuff, after reading your post, I want to run out again swap looks fun, but I took a vow to never swap again lol...just doesn't turn out well for me..but will watch yours to see all the goodies swapped...have a ncie day!!
My goodness Amy I am worn out!!8-) I would kill to find that many sales to go to. I dare say there is never a sale that has good stuff anywhere close to my area. Not sure there are any anywhere in Texas. I think when they left the East and came to Texas they left all the "good" stuff behind.8-)
I would also love to have some of your rain. We are so dry, can't plant grazer for the animals until we get rain. Say a prayer for that rain to move our way.8-)
Can't wait to see all your treasures. Love your swap goodies!!
Wow, you were wheelin' and dealin' on the road again. Good for you! The rain won't spoil your adventures:)
Hey Amy: Great goodies you sure went to a lot of sales!! Would you be able to post how much your new found prims were purchased for so us neebies can get an idea for when we're at our sales? I always like to know what other people are paying....
patti :)
Wow you found a lot of good stuff, just don't have those kind of sales around here. It was rainy and cold first of the week, now we are going to be in 90's and no rain, which it could just be spring. Have a great weekend. Vicky
Amy: I felt like I was watching an action movie reading this...on the edge of my seat...will the speaker be there? LOL! Star Wars theme playing in the all the swap goodies-so fun to see what people receive & send! ~*~Lisa
Wow sounds like you had a fun day. I can't wait to see your pictures. The thrill of the hunt is so much fun. I am going tomorrow so hope I find some goodies.
Your weather will break soon.
I am so envious of you. Mike was busy this morning so we didn't go anywhere. We had planned to go to a storage unit auction tomorrow morning but Mike says if it's raining, we're not going. I hope it is clear and sunny! And then I hope they have some things worth bidding on!
Have a great weekend!
I wish I may, I wish I might, find even ONE sale like you come upon! If I see one more table full of baby clothes, I'm gonna look into adoption. (JUST KIDDING!!) Can't wait to see photos of your finds....they all sound great! Love the little candles you did up for your swap - very sweet! Your rain, I see, has moved our way - hope it doesn't last as long as it did for you all. Have a great weekend! Smiles & Hugs, Robin
Great stuff you found! We have been having the rain too! It's going to again today. I can't wait to see more!
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