Hosting display chain for Misi while she enjoys a little break.This weeks theme is Spring Cleaning.....

Better slip my apron on for this....

Washing clothes....

Nope not in this one using it for flowers...A weekend find...

Yes I still use this old feather duster to first wisk broom.Sweet Teresa will be proud.LoL....

Old time vacumes..At least you could get your frustrations out...

A hard day, time to wash hands and face...

Hope you enjoyed my displays.Now leave a comment to join in or just to say hi! This week's prize will be a Colonial Tin Works Hog Scraper Candle Holder with some extra tapers.So join in the fun.It doesn't have to be
Warm Blessings!~Amy
Hi Amy, I have already posted my displays for the week. Love that blue wash basin! Take Care, Janice PS. I only need one more follower for my secret giveaway...but even if I go over the 50 mark today, all will be entered.
Hi Amy! As always, you have some of the most unique pieces . . . that blue sink is so awesome! Great displays!
I did the display chain...what fun!
Hi, Amy
Wonderful displays~ love the old green wash tub~ can't wait to see the flowers in it!!!
I have my display posted so all come over & visit!
Thanks Amy ~ great idea!!!!
Hi Amy
Your displays are awesome.
You sure have some wonderful collections.
Thanks for sharing.
Prim Blessings
Hi Amy... Great Theme for this week...
What a great collection of Spring Cleanin' wares you have, that basin is so unique!
I have my post up..if anyone want to take a peek......
Blessings, Traci
I am in love with the old basin. How clever was that! I should have shown my pitcher and bowl and old shaving kit! I need to take more time and actually try to set up displays like you do. Yours are awesome! I have my display posted.
Sending sunshine your way, Linda
Hi Amy, I always enjoy looking at your displays, love all the cleaning items, just posted a few of my cleaning items. Vicky
Great displays Amy! I love your new green tub! It's going to look gorgeous filled with flowers!
Got my displays posted!
You never disappoint Amy - GREAT displays!! We must think along similiar lines - I have the same Gold Dust boxes, a (small but growing) collection of whisk brooms, and an old wash tub just like that (except not the wonderful green color of yours) that I use for plants! :o)) But I don't have a wonderful blue basin like yours - wow - that's to die for! Thanks for coming up with such a fun theme - and for your wonderful displays! Smiles & Hugs, Robin
Hi Amy! Thank you for hosting this week! My Displays may be found at
Have a lovely afternoon.
Hi Amy~
Love your offerings this week. Thanks for hosting.
I have posted mine.
Have a wonderful evening~Becky
Amy, I love them all...BUT OMG!!! the litte enemal sink!!! I have never seen that! OLM
Hi Amy,
I also like the blue sink best. Have never seen one like that. I have most of the other items. Glad you received your church dolls roll.
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