Well my hosting duties are done so next week Misi will be back.She'll give you your theme as well.This week's winner is lilraggedyangie! Congratulations! You can email me your address and I'll get it to Misi...Thanks everyone for joining in.Loved all your displays.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Hi, Amy~ thanks for hosting~ I missed out on this week~ but finally making it to comment~ as long as blogger let's me~ lol!!
Big hug to you!!!
Congrats to Angie!!
I'm allowed to post a comment.
I tried to post on yours yest.
it wouldn't work.
I wanted to tell you your collections are lovely.
My favorites were the childrens shoes and books.
Thanks for sharing.
Prim Blessings
P.S. Thanks for hosting ~ you did a great job.
Congrats Angie!! Yay for you!!! Thanks a bunch, again, Amy for hostessing - you did a great job!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
O my Goodness Amy ,.. are you kidding me? Somebody Pinch Me, how Awesome! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Amy thanks so much for doing an Amazing job , in Misi's absence(especially with all the blogger issues yesterday) ,Tuesday's Display Chain is one the highlights of my week! Thanks to Misi for such a wonderful fun day of the week and your Always Generous Gorgeous Prizes! Enjoy your Wednesday, mine is now off to a great start! Hugs
lil raggedy angie
Big congrats to Angie!! Thank you Amy for hosting. You did a terrific job!!
Enjoy your day~Becky
Awesome Angie!!
Congrats my sweet friend!Thanks Amy for hosting!What fun we had!big hugs michelle
CongratsAngie!!!! You did a great post!
P.S. I am having a terrible time getting comments through
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