Saturday, January 28, 2012
Happy Saturday!
Not sure what I want to do.I love going were the road leads and enjoying the views.Old Buildings, cemeteries, churches, farmhouses.....
Back roads are always eye candy for me....
But really I'm in the mood to seek treasures.Dig through a out of the way antique or junk shop and discover just what I'm looking for (rarely happens but a girl can dream).....
Wish me luck! Warm Blessings!~Amy
Friday, January 27, 2012
Gifts of Friendship
The next little surprise was from my very sweet friend Lil Raggedy Angie.I just love her! If she was closer I'd surely be dragging her on adventures all the time. Her little princess is just the cutest ever..She knew I was drooling over these sweet sheep she creates.So she sent me one just because she loves me..I litterly did a happy dance when I opened it.I love it! I have a little surprise in mind for her as well..She is always there when I need to vent or need someone to just listen and understand.She is a wonderful secret next pics are a recent swap I did with Renee Recollecting the past...
Renee and I always say we are long lost sisters.So much the same about us but I'm definatly better at hiding my clutter than she is.LoL..Renee I love all the sweet gifts.Thank all of you girls for brightening my day! I am so blessed in so many ways.I am a strong believer that what you put into the world is what comes back to you.......Today I'm going to be
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Beautiful Swap Goodies from Theresa
Here are the wonderful goodies she sent.Stitchery tuck I just love how she incorporates my name into them,makes it extra special...Prairie Pocket,Father Winter doll (LOVE) he has so much detail! Punch needle box with cinnamon ornies hearts and doves tucked in..Oh and Dark CHOCOLATE from around the world.Hubby has a peanut butter addiction and keeps stealing some to dip in his peanut butter.Gonna have to hide it LoL....I found places already for everything but didn't feel like dusting so I'm just sharing this pic If you click on the pics they come up better for some reason blogger keeps chopping the ends off....
Theresa is super talented I'd have to say in the top 4 of people I know.I always get nervous swapping with her because my talents although good could never compare to hers.She is also sweet and funny.Theresa sweetie I just Love everything you do and am so glad to call you friend! .....The Spring Swap is posted click on the link on the sidebar if you are interested in joining.Hope you all are having a great week.Weather still can't make up it's mind what season it wants to be snow,rain,mix then a mild day or two thrown in.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Monday, January 23, 2012
Some Bunny Loves You Swap

- You must include 4 items in the swap (yes you can include extra if you want)
- One item must be a bunny theme
- One item must be stitched you can purchase or hand make but it must be included.Stitched includes dolls,bowl fillers,hooked,penny rugs and stitcheries
- You must contact you partner once your receive her information.Say hello and let her get to know you a little she is sending you a gift after all
- You must thank your partner by posting if you do not have a blog I'm happy to post it for you.I and I'm sure the other girls enjoy seeing your goodies
- You must mail your package by March 2nd with confirmation.If a problem arises please let me and your partner know so I can get it worked out.
I'll leave sign ups open till Friday Jan 27th and get your partners out the begining of next week.You must comment that you are joining in on this post.Then email me at with the following
- Blog URL
- Name and Address
- I also want to know if you are a regular swapper the last 2 people you swapped with so I can make sure you have a new partner this time
- Occasionally I have a extra or late sign up if needed would you want a extra partner? You can copy and paste from my blog.The following is optional but helpful to include
- Do you have any allergies?
- Favorite scents?
- Colors?
- Any favorite things like sheep, penny rugs,old kitchen gadgets, dolls?
- Something special you are looking for,collect,or enjoy?
Any questions feel free to contact me...Lets have Fun girls! ~Amy
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Let it Snow!
Hubby is out snow blowing while our peeper neighbor watches from his kitchen window.LoL.Hubby put a mannequin in the window we switched and opened the blind the other night so it looked like someone was watching his house.When we went out the next day his blind was closed.But back to watching us coming and going or like now when hubby is working outside...
Me I'm going to just take a lazy PJ day.Make a warm cuppa ....
Ok it'll really look like this...Yummmmmm...
Have some yummy candles lighted.and tarts melting.Scents of Maple syrup,gingerbread and fireplace wafting in the air...So Welcoming...Yes come out of the cold....
The dogs are already snug as little bugs...Got news for them though I'm taking that big chair to settle in and watch movies and read..Maybe I'll share.Mung my little fat boy can be pretty persistant with what he wants and he usually wants to be snuggled with momma..Mailman just dropped off my Romantic Prairie Style book and a new southern cookbook so some good reading for later...
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Valentines and Winner

Gotta have cupid to spread the love...
Display on top of the old mercantile cabinet.....
Just simple touches.I don't have alot of valentines since it's such a short holiday..The winner of the lil bunny tarts was drawn by True Random Number Generator
Sunday, January 15, 2012
You're so Special
Friday, January 13, 2012
Blogger Grrrr and Sweet Surprise from Kendra
Yesterday I was having a frustrating day having to catch up everything from being sick and taking care of dad's things as well.Well I got light headed and fell between the couch and coffee table.Hubby's at work and the first thing I thought was "I've fallen and I can't get up" had to laugh.Yes I could get up I wasn't really hurt except my arm and hand hurts a little because I feel on it.Then I decided to take a break and sit down well I dosed off for a few minutes which I never do.I woke up because the phone rang.I'm assuming since I had the stomach virus almost 2 weeks it took some of the nutrients and just made me wonky.I'm feeling better and eating normal again so I'll give it a few days....The day got better though because there was a sweet surprise in the mail from Kendra The Stone House blog..She sent me this wonderful heart make do...
Totally unexpected and brightened my whole day! She is such a sweet friend I'm so glad she started her blog and I've been able to get to know her better.I just love the little pocket on it.Here is were it's displayed...
The card is from her too.The paper has seeds in it you can plant.Thank You Kendra you are a sweetie! Well girls I'll be back soon with my Valentine decorating.Hopefully I'll get the hang of this new blogger fast.We are having a deep freeze for the next few days.Today we have 40 mile winds and the temps have dropped rapidly.I don't mind I got everything done outside the house so I can nestle in and relax a few days.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Monday, January 9, 2012
Some Tweeks and I've been tagged
Here are her questions and my answers....
1. Where do you like to vacation~ Don't vacation much but love day trips to historic places
2. Do you have pets ~ Yes 3 Mung a beagle, Boo a jack/beagle and Gus sugar baby my cat who thinks he's a dog
3. What is your favorite color ~ Depends for decorating tans, For clothes Green or pink (yep like girly stuff)
4. How many are in your family ~ Just me and Hubby but we've helped raise several children.
5. What is your least favorite thing to do ~ Hmmm do I want to answer this one? Close tie with paying the bills and cleaning dog poo up in the yard.
6. What is your most favorite thing to do~ Yard and Estate Sales, Decorate,visit with friends and family,blogging
7. If money were no object what would you like to do when you retire~ Move to Maine and live in a historical Colonial house or a big cabin in the mountains.Anywere that it snows alot.Would have to have all 4 seasons.
8. What is your favorite season ~ Fall
9. What book are you currently reading ~ Early American Country Homes and a Judy Condon Book.
10.What time do you go to bed, get up in the morning~ I don't sleep well so usually go to bed around 11 pm and up around 4 am (actually up about 3 times in between). 6 am is a sleep in day for me.LoL
11.How long have you been blogging~ About a year and a half but I was a stalker before that.So glad I started my own, if you're on the fence just do it so many wonderful people and if you stay on the old version of blogger it's pretty easy.
Well girls hope you are having a wonderful day.I got a busy next few days gotta catch up all dad's stuff since I've been sick I stayed away.Sent hubby over with food to make sure he's eating and ok.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I'm a Cheater

They are soooo yummy.I had a long drawn out recipe so I decided I wanted them easy..Pretzel Cookies with Chocolate and Peanut butter...

Pretzels Cookies with chocolate and Peanut butter
- Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie roll or chub
- 3/4 to 1 cup peanut butter chips
- about 3/4 cup broken pretzels (I used the thin stick kind they were easy to break but any thin ones will work)
- Course Sea Salt
Preheat oven according to cookie dough package.
Break up cookie dough in bowl add the peanut butter chips.Mix with spoon ( I like to mix it with my fingers) add in pretzel pieces and gently mix again.Roll Tablespoon size balls you can use your hands or the double spoon method.I like hands. Place on ungreased cookie sheet.Sprinkle the cookies lightly with sea salt.Bake 10-14 minutes.Leave sit 2 minutes before removing from tray. Now have someone hide them as they are addicting.
Well ladies hope you have a wonderful weekend.I still have a gift that needs returned so might do that when hubby gets home from work.I got a new prim book for christmas Early American Country Homes and want to snuggle in with it,so much prim eye candy.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Well Hello

Not to much going on here.Just wanted to drop in and say Hi and let you know your in my thoughts! Warm Blessings!~Amy